Privacy Policy

British Arts Festivals Association is committed to protecting your information.

It’s your information, and we respect that. We also want to maintain the trust and confidence of every one of our members, partners and supporters, as well as each visitor who
uses the British Arts Festivals Association website.

Our Privacy Notice gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your information, how we use it and how we keep it secure.

Who we are

British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) is a registered company limited by guarantee and a charity based in the UK. We are a membership organisation working across the arts festivals sector. (Registered Charity number 1115339, company limited by guarantee number 5420987.)

This Privacy Policy covers the work of the umbrella organisation, not its individual members. The staff, board members and anyone working under the direction of the umbrella organisation will be obligated to comply with the terms of this document.

How we collect information about you

If you are a BAFA Member then we collect information from you which is varyingly available to the public, to other BAFA Members and to BAFA Staff. For those who are not members we collect your information when you decide to interact with us. This could include purchasing tickets online, over the phone or in person or it could be when you sign up to receive information from us.

The types of Information we collect

We only collect the information that’s necessary to carry out our business, provide the particular service you’ve requested and to keep you informed.

BAFA is a Business to Business organisation and only collects business data and if it is personal data it is in a professional capacity and is treated as such. BAFA undertakes to treat this information in a secure, careful and professional manner and to comply with the following:

When BAFA is organising an event, looking for new partners, seeking advice, and generally carrying out the work of the organisation, we will be using all the research tools at our disposal to approach relevant new contacts previously unknown to us. BAFA undertakes to do this in a professional manner and to treat that business data with the same security and care as we do with all data that we hold. We consider these contacts to be of ‘Legitimate Interest’ to BAFA.

Why we collect your personal or business information and how we use it

The information we hold on you will be used in a number of ways. Here are the main ones: to provide a service you have requested, inform you of events or updates you’ve asked for or contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information.
How we handle your information and other organizations

BAFA will never share, sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third parties, unless we are required to through a legal process.
Some of our service providers may have access to your data in order to perform services on our behalf – payment processing is a good example of this. We make sure, as far as we are able, that anyone who provides a service for BAFA meets GDPR standards for data security.

How we protect your data

BAFA is committed to protecting the information you entrust to us. We adopt robust and appropriate technologies and policies, so the information we have about you is protected from unauthorized access and improper use e.g. your online account is encrypted and our own databases are protected.

Your choices

You should find it easy to access and amend the information that we hold on you, or request that we stop contacting you. It’s your data and we want to make sure you feel in control of it.

If you have an online account with us as a BAFA Member, you can amend your details and contact preferences at any time. Simply sign in on the website and access your account by logging in using your password. If you have any difficulty with this, please contact BAFA using the contact details below.

If you are not a member and wish to amend, review or stop receiving information from BAFA, all our newsletters have a simply unsubscribe option and/or you can contact us by phoning, emailing, or writing using our contact details below.

How long will we keep your information?

We will continually review the data that we hold and keep the information you register with us until:

If you ask us to remove all your information, we will still keep a skeleton record to show us that we have complied with your wishes. There may be other reasons that we cannot completely comply with your request such as recording a purchase, but we will fully disclose why this is.

BAFA Website and how we use cookies

“Cookies” are small files which your web browser transfers to your computer when you visit a site. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as providing information to the owners of the site.
Like many websites, we use cookies to help us monitor your use of the website. These cookies are used by Google Analytics so that we know when you’ve visited one page and then another. We also use cookies if you login to our website with a username and password we’ve given you.

What cookies do we use?

Each cookie has a unique name which you can use to identify where it came from.
Some features of our site use JavaScript. We set a has_js cookie if you have JavaScript enabled, so we can give you the best possible experience

Google Analytics uses cookies with the following names to monitor visitors to our websiet, so that we can improve the experience for all users: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz. Read more about the Google Analytics privacy policy.

How we protect your privacy

We do not engage in any marketing or advertising practices using cookies which identify you or your computer and we never share personally identifiable information with those outside of our business. We share anonymous website usage information with Google Analytics as listed above.

Disclosure of your information:

We may disclose information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is:

How you can manage your privacy

Although using cookies helps us to improve our site, you do not need to accept our cookies in order to access our website. The majority of web browsers allow some control of cookies. Find out how to change cookie settings in your browser.

Updates or Changes to the Privacy Notice and Further Information

This notice was updated on 15 May 2018.
It may be updated to take into account changes at BAFA or, for example, to reflect changes to regulation or legislation.

BAFA Contact Details:

British Arts Festivals Association c/o The Albany
Douglas Way


Telephone: 07482 252723

BAFA Shapes Background
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Become a Member

See Member Benefits

Being a member of BAFA offers access to the UK’s leading arts festivals, and an invaluable opportunity to build a strong network of professional contacts across the breadth of the festivals sector.

Our members range from volunteer-run organisations to large, well-established festivals, and we also have special memberships available for universities and associate members.


BAFA is supported by funding from a range of UK arts bodies

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