
The British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) was founded in 1969 and is the national development agency for arts festivals, representing some 80 members across the UK

Our members cover a broad swathe of the festivals industry, including individual single art-form and multi-arts festivals, festival groupings, individuals, universities and associated organisations.

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Our mission

Arts festivals occupy a unique space in their communities: they entertain, inspire and engage their audiences, create pride in their place, and connect people through the power of creativity.

BAFA is a community of arts festival professionals, dedicated to recognising the work of our members and harnessing their potential, supporting festivals to be more sustainable in a challenging cultural climate.

What we do

We connect arts festivals to create a support network; BAFA members enjoy access to a wide network of their peers as well as the wealth of knowledge and contacts that BAFA has built up over its long history. We facilitate advice and support between members, from our Board of experienced festival professionals, and contacts outside of the festival sector.

Our programme of events provides an opportunity for members and non-members to come together with a range of industry professionals to discuss and debate key issues, as well as building invaluable networks for support.

We work with partners across the UK, and continue to be a voice for the UK in Europe through our active role as the UK hub for the prestigious EFFE project and label (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe). BAFA is a member of the Creative Industries Federation and we work closely with sister networks, development agencies and lobbying organisations to represent the festivals sector.

Our values

At BAFA, we believe in:

We hope that you’ll consider joining us and becoming part of our arts festival network – we’re stronger together!

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See Member Benefits

Being a member of BAFA offers access to the UK’s leading arts festivals, and an invaluable opportunity to build a strong network of professional contacts across the breadth of the festivals sector.

Our members range from volunteer-run organisations to large, well-established festivals, and we also have special memberships available for universities and associate members.


BAFA is supported by funding from a range of UK arts bodies

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